Grades 1- 8
First Grade Highlights and Expectations:
- 效法耶稣的榜样,学习一年级的祷告,成为更有爱心的基督徒.
- Focus on God's love, the life and teachings of Jesus, belonging to the Church, traditional common 祈祷s, and the rosary.
- 一年级学生通过观察彩绘瓢虫变成蝴蝶来学习完整的蜕变. 当我们利用教室孵化器学习小鸡的胚胎学时,我们见证并体验了一只动物的诞生. 一年级参加库克县农场局提供的活动. We also adopt a dairy cow through the St. 并通过电子邮件与我们当地的农民沟通,并获得每月的更新和小牛的照片.
- 表现出语音和音位意识,并识别高频单词.
- 运用词汇分析来理解选择,运用阅读策略来提高理解和流畅性.
- Identify story elements, 使用 context clues, comprehend the main idea, make predictions, and distinguish between fact and fantasy.
- 流利地阅读适合年龄的材料,并能在阅读中自我评价和自我纠正.
- 用写作来交流,运用语法和技巧,包括大写, complete sentences, and basic punctuation.
- Focus on number and order sense, 加法和减法的概念和策略与事实12, place value and patterns, 识别周围世界的几何形状, calculate time to the hour and half-hour, and solve simple word problems.
- 介绍了两位数的加法与不重组.
- 通过阅读了解生命科学和地球科学的概念, 预测, 组织, questioning, and explaining.
- 培养对周围人的意识, 识别重要人物和特殊网上赌博网站十大排行, understand maps and mapping terms.
Second Grade Highlights and Expectations:
- In all areas of learning, students will demonstrate comprehension, learn decoding strategies, practice reading 流利, 并在语境中表现出对词汇的理解.
- 通过不同类型的文学作品分享积极的阅读和听力经验.
- Write paragraphs that show organization, 使用 proper grammar, 并表现出对手头话题的理解.
- 展示知识和掌握各种数学技能,如位值, 多位数的加减运算, identifying geometric shapes, learning to tell time on an analog clock, measuring and comparing units of length, 学会识别和理解硬币和美元的价值, as well as charting, comparing and graphing data.
- Demonstrate knowledge of life science, physical science, earth science, and the human body through observing, 预测, questioning, and explaining, while learning through 蒸汽 experiences.
- 通过了解美国的过去和现在,表现出作为更大世界一部分的自我意识, our government and its symbols, famous 美国ns, geography and maps, and 美国’s communities: urban, 郊区, 和农村.
- 学生从事精神上,因为他们准备和解和第一次圣餐的圣礼, learn traditional 祈祷s, take an active role in liturgical seasons, and learn about the lives of the Saints.
Third Grade Highlights and Expectations:
- Focus on God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, the sacraments, 服务, liturgical seasons, lives of the Saints, and the Church as our community. 计划和协助礼拜仪式和其他形式的崇拜.
- 流畅的阅读,良好的口头和书面理解能力.
- Use word identification strategies; understand character and setting; 画 conclusions, make predictions, sequence events of a story.
- 认识并写出完整的句子,使用名词、动词、代词、形容词和副词.
- 运用写作的六个特征练习非正式和正式写作. Write legibly using cursive.
- Write in multiple forms (reports, friendly letters, descriptive paragraphs, narrative stories, book reviews).
- 添加 and 减去 multi-digit numbers, identify place values, count and illustrate money amounts, memorize multiplication facts, demonstrate 流利 with measuring, and demonstrate time telling skills.
- 探索物理和自然世界的科学. Describe simple life cycles of 植物 and 动物; recognize the relationship of living things to their environment; describe the features/processes of the Earth and its resources.
- 阅读各种地图,了解社区类型,了解政府如何运作.
Fourth Grade Highlights and Expectations:
- Develop an understanding of faith, major Saints, 节日, liturgical seasons, 圣经, Ten Commandments, 出现, 大斋节, the Holy Spirit, and sacraments. 计划和协助礼拜仪式和其他形式的崇拜.
- 培养流利阅读的必要技能, 理解和解释书面材料, communicate well, and listen and speak effectively.
- 专注于说明性,说服性和叙事性写作,重点是说明性
- 在书面交流中对文学和数学有反应.
- 以诗歌的形式体验真正的文学, 民间故事, 非小说类, 小说, biographies, fantasies and plays. 就一个给定的主题写几个连续的段落.
- 与他人合作,为个人和小组做报告.
- 添加, 减去, 乘, and divide multi-digit numbers; estimate and 比较 numbers; name, 画, and measure lines, 段, 射线, and angles; narrie geometric figures; find area, 周长, and 体积; display data; name, 使用, 添加, 减去, 比较, and convert 分数; demonstrate problem-solving strategies; estimate products; communicate in math.
- Understand the weather, the earth and its changes, rocks and minerals, the solar system, 生态系统, 健康, the human body, life and earth topics, and physical topics such as matter.
- 知道50个州/首府、缩写,并能在地图上找到它们. Demonstrate knowledge of regions of 美国.S. 通过商品和服务来满足需求.
Fifth Grade Highlights and Expectations:
- Learn through stories, 活动, 圣经, 祈祷, 讨论和反思他们的天主教信仰. Focus on God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, the sacramento, liturgical seasons and morality; plan and assist in liturgy and other forms of worship
- 培养学生流畅阅读的技能, 理解和解释书面材料, 良好的沟通,有效的听和说. Understand ca使用 and effect; analyze details; 使用 context clues; analyze theme, plot, and setting.
- 培养良好写作的特点:条理性, 的声音, 流利, word choice, conventions, 的想法, and presentation. 就一个给定的主题写几个连续的段落. 向个人、小型和大型团体做演讲. 说话时表达清楚,阅读时表达流畅.
- Master whole numbers, money and 小数, 分数, 比率, proportions and percentages, and length and measurement; identify place values; solve multiple step word problems; calculate area, 周长 and 体积; 解释 data.
- Categorize organisms by interactions in their 生态系统; analyze weather and climatic conditions; describe features and effects of various forces on the earth and its resources; identify the effects of science on society.
- Focus on Native 美国ns, 探险家, 美国n Colonies, the 美国n Revolution, the Westward Movement and the Civil War; master geography/map skills
Sixth Grade Highlights and Expectations:
- 培养对圣经所启示的神的拯救之爱的鉴赏力, particularly the Old Testament. 计划和协助礼拜仪式和其他形式的崇拜. .
- Comprehend and demonstrate mastery of grade appropriate literature; demonstrate skills in summary and critique over a variety of literature. 发展更高层次的理解和推理思维能力. Apply word analysis and vocabulary skills.
- Have a foc使用d understanding of 写作 and mechanics; be able to divert from standard responses and develop their own 写作 styles in essays;demonstrate 使用 of the 写作 process including pre写作, 写作, 修改, peer editing and final draft. 向个人、小群体和大群体口头呈现材料.
- Explore patterns and variables, number theory and integers, 分数, 小数, and percents, 比率 and proportions, 使用数据查找统计度量并创建统计显示, solve algebraic equations and inequalities, 使用 tools of geometry, area, 体积, and surface area, and discover probability. 展示解决问题的能力,在文字问题和现实生活中的应用.
- Demonstrate understanding of cells, human biology, 动物, 植物, 细菌, 遗传, 健康, and environmental science; identify and explain effects of changes in states of matter; evaluate and apply ecological concepts to environmental problems. 识别问题,制定和测试假设,并评估实验结果.
- 掌握地图技能和海洋知识, 大陆, and location of world countries; develop an understanding of Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, 印度, 中国, 希腊, 罗马, 阿拉伯, 美国, Medieval Europe, 非洲, 和亚洲.
- 天主教的价值观不仅在宗教中,而且在所有的学习中都得到了讨论和整合. Focus on Jesus Christ: His life, His teachings, and His presence in the Church; Church history; morality/development of self-worth; universality of the Church, the major Church documents, 以及天主教社会训导的七个主题.
- Analyze literature and develop skills necessary to comprehend literature at and above grade level; become familiar with literary terms, identifying and using them in their own works; application of word analysis and vocabulary skills; analyzing style and purpose; understand elements of plot; understanding the author's purpose in various literary forms.
- Demonstrate an understanding of sentence and paragraph patterns and their 使用s and effects; a variety of narrative and expository structures; the criteria for evaluation of their written work. Develop skills in 写作 content and mechanics that will demonstrate a growth in their understanding of language; respond confidently in essays to a variety of prompts.
- Complete a research paper. 每季度演讲一次,参加辩论和小组讨论.
- Master 比率 and proportional reasoning , and work with percents, 理解几何概念与三维形状和测量, analysis of data, probability, and measurement; explore number theory; 使用 formulas, expressions, 求解多步方程和不等式. 使用不同的策略来解决文字问题和现实生活中的应用数学概念.
- Use inquiry skills; learn the characteristics of living things; understand 遗传 and classification; understand the diversity of cells; understand and explain human body systems. 研究,准备,并为科学展览展示一个项目.
- 准备并创造一项有益于社会的发明.
- 专注于U.S. 历史从美洲的第一个文明通过内战和重建. Understand political, 经济, and social systems and events, 趋势, 个人和运动塑造了伊利诺伊州的历史, 美国. S. and other nations.
Eighth Grade Highlights and Expectations:
- Intensely 准备 for Confirmation and a lifelong relationship with God; integration of Catholic values in all learning. Become involved in parish community. 在信仰、家庭和服务上表现出领导力.
- 具备扎实的读写能力. Evaluate and analyze literature; express high level analysis and synthesis in written form. 培养对语言和写作过程以及写作类型的理解,为高中学习做准备. 了解研究和写作过程.
- 能够理解不同的句子和段落模式,以及它们的用法和效果. 利用各种叙述和说明文的结构,并评估书面工作. 应用和使用图形组织来评估, 解释, 理解内容和写作过程.
- Master algebraic expressions, 二元方程和不等式, 理解并使用线性方程的斜率-截距形式和斜率-截距形式的图形, 利用勾股定理探索和解决问题, 在坐标系中绘制图形并执行转换, 掌握图形的一致性和相似性, explore exponents, powers and compute with scientific notation; application of percentages; organize, display and 解释 data and 使用 measures of central tendency for data analysis; apply arithmetic operations to rational numbers, 计算圆柱体的体积和表面积, 视锥细胞, and composite shapes.
- Understand chemical building blocks, chemical interactions, 运动, forces and energy, electricity and magnetism, sound and light; distinguish between elements, compounds and mixes. 准备并创造一项有益于社会的发明; and research, 准备, 为科学展览展示一个项目. 使用科学的方法和模型、工具和测量来探索物理科学.
- Have an in-depth understanding of 美国n history from Reconstruction to the present and current events; understand events, 趋势, individuals, 以及塑造伊利诺伊州历史的运动, 美国.S., and other nations.
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